I just finished reading Jeffrey Gitomer’s The Sales Manifesto, and I loved it. In fact, I was so inspired by the book that I read it twice. Not only that, I just ordered a box full of copies to give out to some of my clients’ salespeople. This little red book is so powerful that […]
Getting Your Sales Momentum Back
A short plan to get things kick- started when your sales are stuck in neutral So your sales are down right now. Your numbers are in the gutter and no matter what you do you can’t seem to get anything going. You’re beating on your outside sales team and they are doing everything they can […]
It’s Time To Globalize!
The world is getting flatter every year, month, week, day and even by the hour, as we get closer to one another and like water seek ways to touch one another and do business. This, from some of the world’s leading economists: no matter what politicians try to do they can only at best re-channel […]
Creating A Customer Purposed Company
Be honest now when was the last time you sat around with your team talking about how you can produce better products and services for your customers? I mean doing things better, making the customers experience extraordinary and putting the “wow” factor in your products. I would guess never. We are all so busy just […]
Rescuing The Orphans
It’s happened to all of us. It’s just part of doing business. No matter how hard you try, somewhere along the way you lose a customer. There are a number of reasons why this happens, attrition being one of them. In terms of attrition, there is not much you can do about that. A customer […]
When Was The Last Time Your Independent Reps Described You As “Indispensable” ?
There is that old adage that goes: the more you put into your reps the more you will get out of them. Which I believe is absolutely true. True to the point that if you want to have a successful relationships with your reps you have to give them everything they need to be successful. […]
Your Summer Reading
You can have fun in the sun and learn a little something as well. Some people go to the beach, excited about their summer reading. They cannot wait to get into their latest Tom Clancy, Jodi Picoult, or Stephen King. That’s all good stuff, but when I go to the beach (yeah right!) let’s just […]
That Customer Again!?
Sorry, but I always have customer service on my mind. I read everything about customer service I can get my hands on. To me customer service is what business is all about. Customer service is what the customer wants from us. It is what keeps those customers coming back time after time even after we […]
Some Free Advice
Can I admit to a little frustration? I have a list of what I think are great ideas. Ideas, that could make my clients great, but no matter how much I try I cannot get any of them to try these out. So, the heck with it. I’m going to just give them away to […]