Our Finest Hour

“Do not let us speak of darker days, let is speak rather of sterner days. These are not darker days, these are great days, the greatest days our country has ever lived” Winston Churchill. The great orator was talking about the bombing of London when he said these words. A time, far more serious and […]

Know What You’re Selling

Whether you’re selling garage door openers or guidance control systems, medical devices, kitchen appliances, laminate, or printed circuit boards, you must know your product. If you want to be a successful rep, you must study the product, understand how it is built, why it is built a certain way, and most importantly, why the product […]

Business As Usual

Yes, things are hard right now. Things seem to be as bad as they have ever been and that’s probably true. But we have to move forward, we have to try our best to conduct business as usual, if we are going to survive. Mark my words, no matter how bleak things are right now, […]

7 Traits Of Effective Leaders

I once had a boss who wanted to sit in his office all day, never participate in any meetings and then ask us, his managers, to write long tediously detailed reports and give them to him so he would know what was going on. In short he wanted to know everything we were doing without […]

Salespeople Need To Be Selling

Salespeople need to be selling. Wow! What a brilliant idea. Of course, salespeople need to sell, what else would they be doing if not selling? They are salespeople, right? Sure, they are but they have also been known, at least some of them, to do anything they can rather than be in front of the […]

7 Ways To Find New Customers

We all know that companies must grow or they will die. The same thing applies to rep firms. You must keep growing your business, adding new customers, and increasing your sales, or you too will die. Too many times reps will find three or four major customers and then rely on them for their income […]

The Solutions Meister

When you’re in business, you are in the business of providing solutions. Think about it, everything we do, everything we sell, products, services, treatments, all of these are solutions to problems, filling needs that our customers have. Restaurants feed hungry people. Hardware stores provide solutions to problems whether you are building a house or fixing […]