A couple of facts to start with. The Boomers wanted jobs for life. They wanted security. Remember when working at the post office was a great career choice because you would have a job for life? Comedian and Seinfeld co- creator Larry David likes to tell the story about how disappointed his mother was that […]
I’m Late, I’m Late, For A Very Important Date
Here is the good news for North American PCB shops. PCB sales are up 4.7% so far this year. There is more onshoring going on than ever, some of it with extreme prejudice since many companies are now adhering to the new ABC (Anyone But China) mode of purchasing PCBs. New and innovative products are […]
Dinner Is Not A Sales Strategy
“I can’t sell anything right now because of Covid. Customers don’t want to see me, their companies are closed up tight, they are working from home, I can’t take anyone to lunch, breakfast, dinner, coffee, beer, golf. I can’t sell without really seeing customers.” Really? Is this the extent of your sales ability? A lousy […]
Pride Of Product
I recently read that when workers see who is using the end product that they are working on their productivity increases by up to 10%. This factor applies to a range of occupations from how it affects people working on medical devices when they see in real life how their devices are used to save […]
Turning Your Commodity Into A Premium Product
I want to talk about an amazing product. This is the story of how smart people, with maybe the help of gullible people, turned something we all have in our own homes for almost free and in unlimited amounts, and turned it into one of the most sought after products in the world. And they […]
Grow With The Power Of No!
There is nothing like rejection to increase your sales! Most of us feel that the worst thing about being in sales is the rejection. The fact that someone does not want what we have to sell. The feeling that someone does not like us enough to want to buy from us can be heartbreaking if […]
Getting More With Gratefulness
Where did we get this idea that bosses and business owners have to be tough; that we are not going to show our employees that we appreciate their efforts in making our company better? Whenever a company gets into trouble the first thing they do is “cut headcount”, for some reason this makes the […]
Keep Your Prospects Close But Keep Your Ideal Prospects Closer
An interesting question: When do you decide it’s not worth calling that prospect for the umpteenth time? Well it depends on the prospect. If you know for sure that you have exactly what a specific prospect needs, then you will never stop calling on them. This isn’t to say that you call them twice a […]
Astonishing Customer Experiences
I Should Have Thought of That! If you often see a new idea that impresses you, and you think, “I should have thought of that!” I agree with you. Yes, you should have thought of that. You should have spent more time thinking about how you can do things better. You should be spending a […]
PCB Reps Are Back!
After years of avoiding representing PCB shops, the reps are back looking for a good company, or two, to represent. There are a couple reasons for this. One is the onshoring of the market due to the pandemic and the tariffs. The other is that they feel – and several have told me this – […]