Companies That Buy Cheap PCBs Get What They Deserve

This column is meant for those customers who need printed circuit boards but don’t want to communicate with the PCB shops directly. It’s meant for those customers who believe that a PCB is just a thin piece of green plastic that anyone can build. This is for those companies who feel that the board shops […]

Salespeople Are The Voice Of The Customer

So as that voice, make sure you get it right! One of the greatest responsibilities we have as sales people is being the voice of the customer. This means that we must strive to always relay the customer’s message truthfully and most importantly accurately, because, very often the future of the relationship between your company […]

Jack Ma Says It’s All About The Customer

Ali Baba Founder always puts the customer first Watching the Bloomberg Station last Friday, I caught Charlie Rose interviewing Ali Baba’s founder and Chairman Jack Ma. What Mr. Ma had to say was fascinating not only for his wisdom but yes for his common sense as well. Mr. Ma stated the reason for the phenomenal […]