Okay, you’re the sales manager for a 15 million dollar board shop located in the Midwest. Your sales team consists of 6 direct regional sales people and five independent sales reps; together they cover the entire U.S. and Canada. Besides managing the sales team, you also handle the company’s marketing and yes, you are also […]
Book Review – You’ve Got 00:00:08 Seconds: Communication Secrets for a Distracted World
A book review from Dan Beaulieu: You’ve Got 00:00:08 Seconds: Communication Secrets for a Distracted World By Paul Hellman Copyright: Amacon 2017 Pages: 169 with Index Price: $17.95 Getting their attention and keeping it This book is loaded with just the right tips and tools that you need to be an effective communicator. Okay you’ve […]
How To Make This Independent Rep Thing Work
For years now I have been working with reps acting as the liaison between them and the circuit board shops I work with. During that time I have seen the interest the reps have in working with board shops diminish as quickly as the market for fax machines. Most reps seem to have lost it […]
Be Curious. Hire Curious People
Albert Einstein once said that being curious is much more important than being smart. If you’re curious about something you are going to spend a lot of time and effort finding out everything you can about it. You are going to focus as much as you can on that subject. You are going to read […]
Book Review – I Hear You: Repair Communication Breakdowns, Negotiate Successfully, and Build Consensus…In Three Simple Steps
A book review from Dan Beaulieu: I Hear You: Repair Communication Breakdowns, Negotiate Successfully, and Build Consensus…In Three Simple Steps Author: Donny Ebenstein If your life is conflict free you don’t need this book, but then again who are you kidding? This is the kind of book that you just don’t expect to see on […]
Create A Simple Plan And Just Be Tenacious
It’s amazing how much can get done when you decide to stick with it Another year another strategic plan…or worse yet another month another strategic plan. Does this sound familiar to you? Well it does to me. The most difficult thing to do when you’re a strategic consultant like I am is to make sure […]
A Look At Some Of 2017’s Coolest innovations…So Far
We have all likely heard the quote attributed to Charles H. Duell, commissioner of the U.S. Patent Office, who in 1899 famously said, “Everything that can be invented has been invented.” He then recommended that the Patent Office be closed and resigned his position. It has now been proven that he never said that. The […]
Book Review – What Customers Crave: How to Create Relevant and Memorable Experiences at Every Touchpoint
A book review from Dan Beaulieu: What Customers Crave: How to Create Relevant and Memorable Experiences at Every Touchpoint Author: Nicholas Webb Amacom, 2017 Price: $25.00 Customer service is out and customer experience is in. It’s not enough to deliver great customer service any more—you must instead deliver an entire customer experience and a great […]
How To Manage Sales People Who Are Located All Over The Country
One of the things I do in my business is work with sales managers helping them to manage, measure and motivate their sales people. This is not an easy thing to do when you consider that sales people are actually a very different breed from other people in a company. They are often, driven, motivated, […]
Dumb Things People Say About Marketing And Sales
Here are some of the dumber things I have heard from people about marketing and sales: I think I’ll place one ad in a trade magazine do you think that will be worth the money? I sent out a hundred sales letters and only received ten responses and five orders. We decided to make this […]