Sometimes playing it safe is the most dangerous thing you can do. In fact, I view business like this: If you are not growing, you are dying. If you are not constantly trying to find ways to make your company more attractive to your customers, you will die. I personally know of some companies who […]
Choosing the Peak Performers
Finding the right person in the first place Just think how much time and money you can save by choosing the right sales person for your sales force. If you take the time to do it right, if you develop and implement a hiring process that fully vets the candidate before you hire her, it […]
Book Recommendation – Simply Brilliant: Powerful Techniques to Unlock your Creativity and Spark New Ideas
A book recommendation from Dan Beaulieu: Simply Brilliant: Powerful Techniques to Unlock your Creativity and Spark New Ideas By: Bernhard Schroeder Copyright 2017 Amacom Price $24.95 Pages: 207 with Index This is more than a brainstorming book, much more. In his new book Mr. Schroeder teaches the reader not only how to brainstorm with a […]
A Lousy Trade Show Is No One’s Fault But Yours
Talking to people at IPC Apex Expo a couple of weeks ago, I came to realize that there are two kinds of people: those who just come here, set up their booth and expect things to happen and then blame the show organizers when nothing does, and those who make things happen and who now […]
It’s In Your Hands
No matter what happens in the world, success is up to you There are about 230 boards shops left in North America and out of those about 175 of them are at $10 Million or less and out of those about a 100 are at $5 Million or less and out of those 25 are […]
Book Recommendation – The Trust Factor: The Science of Creating High-Performance Companies
A book recommendation from Dan Beaulieu: The Trust Factor: The Science of Creating High-Performance Companies By Paul J. Zak/ Director of the Center for Neuroeconomic Studies Copyright 2017 Amacom Price $24.00 Pages: 248 with Index It’s all about trust Yes, this is a book about trust and yes it does deal with what your associates, partners […]
When A Customer Says Your Price Is Too High
Why does it seem that most of our customers pride themselves on their ability to find the cheapest products in the world to put into their products, which they also claim are the best in the world? How exactly does that work? Does a great chef search the world for the cheapest ingredients he can […]
Marketing is a Mosaic
One Ad is not Marketing Marketing is important. If you want people to know who you are and what you do you have to market your company. Think about it, if people don’t know your name, if they don’t know what you do, if they don’t know how to reach you, how are you going […]
Book Recommendation -Win the Customer: 70 Simple Rules for Sensational Customer Service
A book recommendation from Dan Beaulieu: Win the Customer: 70 Simple Rules for Sensational Customer Service By Flavio Martins Copyright 2016 Amacom press Price $21.95 228 pages with index What a great handbook for customer service! This one is a keeper, not only is it chock full of tips, yes 70 of them at list […]
How To Interview Potential Sales Reps
The problem with finding and hiring the right sales person is that, well they are sales people, they know how to sell, they know how to talk a good game, in fact so good a game that it’s hard to figure out if they are in fact really good or just great talkers! So you […]