What To Do When They Won’t Answer The Phone

Based on some of the Rep 1:1 calls this week where there was a lot of talk about not being able to reach customers, I put together some ideas you can use. Apparently, according to my rep friends, no matter how hard they try, they just can’t get through to their customers, especially their target […]

What a Good Salesperson Asks Santa for Christmas  

Christmas is coming, and every salesperson worth their salt knows it’s not just time for eggnog and office parties. It’s the perfect time to ask Santa for a little extra something to boost their success in the coming year. After all, who better to help you hit your sales quota than the guy who delivers […]

The Power of Consistency

Why Showing Up Every Day is Half the Battle Woody Allen said it best when he said that half of being successful in life is just showing up. It’s being there every day in that tortoise-beats-the-hare kind of way. Consistency is the secret sauce that sets successful companies apart from those that struggle. It’s not […]

Pay Your Bills!

When Will Big Companies Start Paying Their Bills on Time? Okay it’s about time that someone talks about this!  Let’s address a truth that PCB and PCBA providers across America know all too well: there’s an alarming and frankly disturbing trend with our customers—especially the larger ones—not paying their bills on time. For the industry’s […]

Stay in Your Lane

In today’s busy world there are so many things going on, so many moving parts that it’s easy to get distracted. We live in an era of constant comparison and nonstop disruption. Everyone’s talking about the latest technology, the economy’s twists and turns, globalization, or how Company X is doing something you’re not. But here’s […]

You’ve Got To Hustle!

Hustle Matters, Hard Work Matters: Why Working Harder and Smarter Will Make You the Winner.  In the world today, there are a lot of things we can’t control: the economy, what our competitors are doing, and even sometimes what our customers are thinking. But one thing that’s fully within our control is how hard we […]

The Election Isn’t Your Problem—Here’s Why

How many times have you heard, “We’re just waiting to see how the election turns out before we make any decisions”? As someone who’s been in this business for a while, I can tell you right now—that’s nonsense. Blaming your lack of sales or slow customer decisions on the election is the biggest cop-out ever. […]