The Right Way To Brand Your Company

There is more marketing in our industry right now than there has ever been before. More companies are spending time, creativity, and money on getting their message out to the market. This is a vast improvement over the way it used to be when people in our industry viewed marketing as some sort of mumbo-jumbo […]

Interviewing A Sales Person

The most difficult part of a sales manager’s job. Without a doubt the most challenging part of being a sales manager is finding the right sales people to make up your sales team. It’s vitally important to find the right people because as a sales manager you live and die with your team. If you […]

It’s All About The Content!

The better the content, the better the story, the more provocative the message, the more successful your marketing and branding will be. But as we all know writing great content is not always as easy as it seems. Especially, if you want to write authentic content with stories that are actually true, instead of lifted […]

A Great Relationship With Your Sales Reps

One of the most important aspects of my business is helping companies with their relationships with their reps. Certainly it’s no secret that the rep/principal relationship is one of the most challenging that industry faces. This relationship is particularly challenging in the PC board industry with its’ tremendous ups and downs and its’ consistent struggles […]

The Power Of Tenacity

  It’s amazing how much can get done when you decide to stick with it Another year, another strategic plan…or worse yet another month another strategic plan! Does this sound familiar to you? Well it does to me. The most difficult thing to do when you are a strategic consultant like I am is to […]