Rescuing The Orphans

It’s happened to all of us. It’s just part of doing business. No matter how hard you try, somewhere along the way you lose a customer. There are a number of reasons why this happens, attrition being one of them. In terms of attrition, there is not much you can do about that. A customer […]

Your Summer Reading

You can have fun in the sun and learn a little something as well. Some people go to the beach, excited about their summer reading. They cannot wait to get into their latest Tom Clancy, Jodi Picoult, or Stephen King. That’s all good stuff, but when I go to the beach (yeah right!) let’s just […]

That Customer Again!?

Sorry, but I always have customer service on my mind. I read everything about customer service I can get my hands on. To me customer service is what business is all about. Customer service is what the customer wants from us. It is what keeps those customers coming back time after time even after we […]

Some Free Advice

Can I admit to a little frustration? I have a list of what I think are great ideas. Ideas, that could make my clients great, but no matter how much I try I cannot get any of them to try these out. So, the heck with it. I’m going to just give them away to […]

The Consultative Sale

The best way to sell is the consultative sale. The best way to get people’s attention is to help them solve their problems, give them solutions, and most of all be valuable to them. The mistake that most people make is to blast off about how good their product is without taking into consideration what […]

On Being A Great Independent Rep

This week we are going to talk about what it takes to be a great rep; and what you can do to not only delight your principals but more importantly develop a win/win partnership with them where you both win more business and make more money. First of all: get over it. Yes you’ve been […]