Nurturing Your PCB Talent

There is no doubt there is a shortage of young people in our business. As we all get older, the challenge of finding young people to replace us is getting more severe. So, I thought it only appropriate that this week we would talk about that nurturing process, training them to become not only viable, […]

Turning Over A New Page

The excitement of a new year! Turning over a new page. One year ends, and another begins. Isn’t that refreshing? Isn’t that a great feeling of renewal? Throwing out all of those old calendars, and hanging those new ones up on the way. Or, opening up that brand new date book for a symbolic, as […]

Are You A True Salesperson?

The “It” Factor As this year ends, and the new year is almost upon us, we should all do a little soul searching, a little self-evaluation, to make sure we still have “it”. A “tune up” if you will, to make sure that we still have “it”. “It” being the thing that makes us great […]

Your PCB Customers And Respect

Times may have changed, but some things never do. The old adage that the customer is always right still stands. No matter how hard it is to accept, you have to live with that law if you want to stay in business. We all know that it is harder to respect the customer now than […]