I Can’t Prove It, But I Know That It’s True

How many times have you felt something in your gut that you know it’s true but there is no good way to prove it? You just have a sense, a feeling, an intuition, that what you are thinking is right but there is just no way to prove it. So, with that in mind here […]

Quality Is Everything

Yes, Quality is everything, and actually, it is in everything a company does. From the way you answer the phone, to the way you present your quotes, to the way you package your product, to the way your sales person looks and acts, to every single thing large, or small, that your company does for […]

Book Recommendation – Find the Fire: Ignite Your Inspiration and Make Work Exciting Again

A book recommendation from Dan Beaulieu Find the Fire: Ignite Your Inspiration and Make Work Exciting Again By Scott Mautz Copyright 2017Amacom Price $24.95 Pages: 246 with Index An unbelievably entertaining read This is a fabulous book for when you get those blahs! You know what I’m talking about, those times when you just cannot get […]

The Other Side Of The Story

We ended last week’s column with a group of designers from a high-tech company asking me the ignoble question, “Why do all PCB shops suck?” And, I promised, I would not only address that question but also explain why there are two sides to that story. First, let me say that the designers who asked […]

A Frustrated PCB Customer Speaks Out

I recently got an e-mail from a good friend of mine. He has been in the industry even longer than I have, and that’s a really long time. He works for one of the most high-end defense and aerospace companies in the world. His company has also used their technology base to branch out and […]