Figure out what your customers want and give it to them. To succeed in business today especially a custom business where you’re making products based on not your designs but the customers’ designs you have to be flexible. You have to listen to what your customers want today and what they are going to need […]
Book Recommendation – Beyond The Sales Process: 12 Proven Strategies for a Customer-Driven World
A book recommendation from Dan Beaulieu Beyond The Sales Process: 12 Proven Strategies for a Customer-Driven World By: Steve Anderson and Dave Stein Copyright 2016 Amacom Price $27.95 Pages: 264 with Index The section on sharing a Vision for success with your customer is the best I have ever read on the subject. You know […]
To Get Sales You Have To Have Salespeople
Man, how many times I am going to have to say this? For those of you loyal readers who have been checking out this column for years I apologize in advance and won’t blame you if you want to sit this one out because you’ve read it all before right here and yes too many […]
Looking For Business In All The Right Places
I just read a new book called appropriately enough The Smartest Places on Earth: Why Rustbelts are the Emerging HOTSPOTS of Global Innovation by Antoine van Agtmael and Fred Bakker, a book that everyone in business today should pick up and read. This is by far the most optimistic book of the year because it […]
Book Recommendation – The Optimistic Workplace: Creating an environment that energizes everyone
A book recommendation from Dan Beaulieu: The Optimistic Workplace: Creating an environment that energizes everyone By Shawn Murphy Copyright 2016 Amacom Price: $24.95 Pages: 224 with index The world seems to be a more pessimistic places these days and the workplace is no different. As we share our worries and our concerns over everything from […]
Stop Leaving Out The People!
How many times have you been on the phone in the middle of one of those quagmire calls, you know the ones, we have all been on them; you’re trying to get some help for that new software you bought, or your calling the utility company to see why your bill went up for no […]
Book Recommendation – The Worlds your Stage: How Performing Artists can make a living still doing what they love
Book Recommendation From: Dan Beaulieu 3/16/16 The Worlds your Stage: How Performing Artists can make a living still doing what they love By William F. Baker, Warren G. Gibson, Even Leatherwood Copyright 2016 Amacom Price: $19.95 Pages: 219: With Index and Notes Not all business is business. We have certainly, not until recently anyway look […]
Re-Evaluating Your Rep Team
Do you feel you are getting everything out of your rep team that you should be? Do you have a full network of sales reps, reps all over the country yet you are just not getting much out of them? How about these problems? Try these on for size: You keep hiring new reps but […]
Yes, You Have To Visit Customers
It’s Only Common Sense by Dan Beaulieu 6/27/16 Managers have to visit customers Yes, sales managers have to visit customers. In fact General Managers and Presidents and Quality Managers and yes even owners need to visit customers whenever they get the opportunity. Why are we happy to just sit back and have our sales people […]
Book Recommendation – Sales Manager Survival Guide: Lessons from Sales’ Front Lines
A Book Recommendation From Dan Beaulieu June 21, 2016 Sales Manager Survival Guide: Lessons from Sales’ Front Lines By David Brock Copyright 2016 David Brock Price $14.95 Kindle edition The perfect handbook for a sales manager This is a perfect book for a new sales manager. It is also important for those of us […]