I know sounds pretty brutal but hey I have to use any method I can to get your attention because the fact is if you don’t change your ways soon you will go out of business in the next twelve months. Don’t get me wrong there are opportunities out there, more of them than there […]
Make A Cool Million
I want you to think about this long and hard. What are you making right now? Eighty grand? Ninety grand? One hundred and fifty grand? It’s a pretty good living. You go out and do battle in the sales wars every day, trying to make it all work so you can make a little more […]
Book Recommendation: The Inventor’s Dilemma: The Remarkable Life of H. Joseph Gerber
The Inventor’s Dilemma: The Remarkable Life of H. Joseph Gerber By David Gerber Copyright 2015 Yale University Press Price $35.00 Pages: 400 and Index The story of the man who changed our industry All of us in the PCB industry should read this book. All of us who have heard about talked about and used […]
Getting the most from your PCB Vendors
Five things you have to do to get the most form your PCB vendors Last week we talked about how most PCB users are missing the boat when it comes to getting the most from their PCB vendors. We discussed how the new age of buying boards with minimum communications and almost no face to […]
Start collecting those WOW! Stories, they’re worth their weight in gold
You have to do something commendable to be recommended You can go around telling everyone you know that your company is great and that you do great things, but it’s not going to mean a thing because anybody can do that. In fact there are a whole slew of companies, most of them your competitors, […]
Do you believe this? A Linkedin denial for the ages
Poor Judgment on your job seeking strategy? When a 20 something tried to connect with a more experienced person on Linkedin, here is the answer he/she sent him: We have never met. We have never worked together. You are quite young and apparently green on how business connections work with senior professionals. Apparently you have […]
An Interview with Prototron’s Mark Thompson
http://www.iconnect007.com/video/daveryder.htm I talk to Impedance Guru Mark Thompson about the importance of getting impedance right when it comes to PCBs
What About the Golden Rule?
What about the Golden Rule? No I don’t mean the one that say’s “those who have the gold make the rules,” frankly although that is true, it is also overdone to the point where often those with the gold treat the others like crap. It’s the other golden rule I want to talk about, the […]
How to complete with the Chinese…don’t
How to Compete with the Chinese…Don’t Just do what they can’t do instead While talking to a friend of mine the other day our talk turned to how American board shops can compete against the Chinese and other Asian board fabricators. After an extended exchange he turned to me and said. “It’s very simple Dan, […]
When you care enough to give the very best
When you care enough to give the very best Walk with the customer. Care about him. Make sure that you know what she needs and give it to her. Make sure that he knows that you care about what will make his life easier and provide it. Look the hard sell is dead, if it […]