What It Takes To Be A Great Salesperson

Great salespeople generate leads. Man, oh man, I heard it again this week. The fingernail on the blackboard noise of a salesperson telling me, “I am long past finding new customers, what I am now is a relationship manager.” OMG are you kidding me? Really, if these were the old days you’d have your straw […]

10 Ideas For Becoming The Best Salesperson You Can Be

The other day  someone asked me what I thought it took to be a great salesperson and once again I gave them a litany of my old standbys. After thinking about this for a day or two I thought it was time to dig deeper. To think about this even more. My answers were trite, […]

Back To Basics: The Sales Call

Stop groaning! I can hear you saying “no, please, not that again.” Well, sorry it’s time to review this again. Actually, the other day I was having some one-on-one meetings with a company’s sales reps, and I realized that it was time to review the most important part of the entire sales process, the sales […]

Fear And Loathing In Business

“The only thing we have to fear is fear itself.” – Franklin Delano Roosevelt Sure, when the four-term president said this, he was in his first term, and he was talking about the depression and as the history books tell us that turned out to be the least of his problems during his time as […]

What Do Reps Want?

Continuing our series on closing the gap between independent sales reps and their principals I thought the next step would be to talk about what reps are looking for in an ideal rep-principal partnership. As I talk to reps, and yes I talk to a lot of them, one of the issues they always have […]

What’s Wrong With Reps?

  How to fix this rep thing This is a question I get asked on practically a daily basis by PCB shop owners and leaders. They tell me that they are just not getting out of their reps what they used to. They tell me that their reps are not getting out there enough, not […]

It’s Your Website. Own It!

Please, please do not believe that website “experts” can tell your story…they cannot. Yes they know how to put web sites together, they know all about sitemaps and what you should have first and second and if they are very good they can develop and design very good, very comprehensive web sites that are easy […]