Book Recommendation – High Profit Prospecting: Powerful Strategies to Find the Best Leads and Drive Breakthrough Sales Results

A book recommendation from Dan Beaulieu


High Profit Prospecting: Powerful Strategies to Find the Best Leads and Drive Breakthrough Sales Results

By Mark Hunter

Copyright 2016Amacom

Price $18.95

Pages: 206 with Index

Man this is a great book. This is by far the best book on prospecting and lead generation I have ever read or I should say used. As a sales columnist and consultant I am always on the lookout for books that are not only going to give me ideas to help me help my clients but also books that will give me some thought provoking subjects for my columns, and I feel that with this book I have found a virtual goldmine. Truth be told I have already based three weekly versions of Its Only Common Sense my weekly column in www.i-connect007 on subjects that I found in this book. The first based on Mr. Hunter’s Myths about prospecting; the second one on his chapter on working with the right prospects; Prospects or Suspects and a new one using his views on pricing.

I have also recommended, nay, ordered would be a better word, that two of my clients buy copies of Mr. Hunter’s fine book for their sales teams.

From how why to prospect, to how to prospect to choosing the right prospects and making sure they are the right ones this book has everything a sales person novice or old timer needs to be successful.

I especially like the way the author deals with the difficult subjects of getting appointments and what to do at those appointments to dealing with voice mail and how to leave an effective voicemail.

This book does more than give you, the reader the basic rules of successful prospecting it also motivates the reader into the taking action, getting down to work and getting it done.

High-Profit prospecting is the have to have book for your sales library. I urge you to get it today and oh yes, make sure you have a highlighter nearby when you start reading it, you’ll need it!

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