In business, there’s a mantra that’s been recited so many times it’s become gospel: “The customer is always right.” But let’s be honest – it’s not entirely true. Customers aren’t always right. Sometimes they’re misinformed, unreasonable, or just plain wrong. But how you handle those moments when a customer is wrong makes all the difference. […]
Why You Need to Learn to Say No
Why is it so hard to say “No”? I must admit that this is a problem I deal with all the time. I am a people pleaser, many of us, nay most of us are people pleasers, we like to say yes, we like to try to help people, especially when they are offering something […]
Stop Making Excuses: Results Come From Action, Not Intention
Everybody’s got an excuse. Especially in business, there’s no shortage of excuses. We hear them every day—why something didn’t work, why a target wasn’t met, or why an opportunity was missed. The truth is excuses are easy; action is hard. If you want to achieve results, you need to stop making excuses and start taking […]
Stay in Your Lane
In today’s busy world there are so many things going on, so many moving parts that it’s easy to get distracted. We live in an era of constant comparison and nonstop disruption. Everyone’s talking about the latest technology, the economy’s twists and turns, globalization, or how Company X is doing something you’re not. But here’s […]
Motivating Your Team by Giving Them What They Crave
Let’s face it, the business world is teeming with challenges. Whether you’re in manufacturing, service, or technology, one universal truth holds steady, people are the backbone of any successful operation. If you’re not tapping into what your people crave, you’re missing a massive opportunity. It’s not just about salary or benefits anymore; it’s about something […]
Building A Well-Being Culture Company
The Building Blocks of a Well-Being Culture Company We have to do more than we have been doing if we are going to succeed in the future. To steal from an old Oldsmobile advertisement, “This is no longer your father’s work force.” If we want to not only keep but engage our new workforce we […]
True Customer Engagement
Don’t just sell to the customer. Don’t just service the customer. The real secret to a long time and successful customer relationship is based on engagement…true customer engagement. True customer engagement is a critical component of success. True corporate-wide customer engagement transcends departments, functions, and individual interactions, becoming a holistic strategy embedded into the very […]
That’s Opportunity Knocking!
I was reading the Sunday comics the other day when I came across this statement. I think it was in Hi and Lois or maybe Arlo and Janis, one of those deep philosophical strips. One of the characters says to another, “He’s the kind of guy that when he hears opportunity knocking, he complains about […]
You Gotta Risk It For The Biscuit!
In working with so many companies over the years, one of the more surprising things I have learned is that not taking a risk can be more dangerous than taking one. Most of the time the companies I have worked with who are not willing to even consider taking a risk are the ones who […]
Great Ideas From John Mitchell’s New Book
I have to say I find it ironic that most of the calls I am on with my clients these days are focused on the issues they are having with their work forces. I was on one last week where the General Manager was talking about hiring being the bane of his existence. In the […]