Jack Ma Says It’s All About The Customer

Ali Baba Founder always puts the customer first Watching the Bloomberg Station last Friday, I caught Charlie Rose interviewing Ali Baba’s founder and Chairman Jack Ma. What Mr. Ma had to say was fascinating not only for his wisdom but yes for his common sense as well. Mr. Ma stated the reason for the phenomenal […]

The High Cost Of Cheap PCBs

I have written in the past about the pride some of our customers have in buying the cheapest products available on the market today, and we talked about how for some reason some companies feel that they can buy the cheapest parts they can get their hands on and then turn around and tell their […]

Putting Together Your Team

What do the Boston Red Sox, The New England Patriots, and the Chicago Cubs all have in common? Besides all being winners (and my three favorite teams) they have won by building teams synergistically. By that I mean they build teams by putting the team in front of individual players that way making the team […]