Do you ever sit back and wonder what kind of leader you are? Are the people who work for you inspired by you or are they there with you because you are the only game in town? Would they stay with you if another very similar company opened up across the street? Think about that, […]
We Have To Work Together Or Else!
Two shopkeepers were bitter rivals. Their stores were directly across the street from each other, and they would spend each day keeping track of each other’s business. If one got a customer, he would smile in triumph at his rival. One night an angel appeared to one of the shopkeepers in a dream and said, […]
Selling Value Is Always Valuable
Looking at the title of this column, you might be saying to yourself, “Thank you, Captain Obvious,” but stop and think for a minute. What can you offer that goes way beyond the product itself? What can you offer that will get your customer thinking beyond price issues? What do you have to offer that […]
5 Things We Should Be Doing And Aren’t
Dare to be great We are all so busy running our businesses that we seldom have time to do what really needs to be done to move our businesses forward, to take them from “good to great” to use that old but true cliché. I know that all of my friends who own board shops […]
If You Are Not Growing Your Business, You Are Killing Your Business
Sometimes playing it safe is the most dangerous thing you can do. In fact, I view business like this: If you are not growing, you are dying. If you are not constantly trying to find ways to make your company more attractive to your customers, you will die. I personally know of some companies who […]
It’s In Your Hands
No matter what happens in the world, success is up to you There are about 230 boards shops left in North America and out of those about 175 of them are at $10 Million or less and out of those about a 100 are at $5 Million or less and out of those 25 are […]
10 Principles For Success In Life
In sales and in life for that matter you are only as good as the people you know, work with and are friends with. You are only as strong as your affiliations. You have to know and be willing to work with everyone if you are going to be successful life. So with that in […]
Why Reps Hate Board Shops
For the past couple of years now I’ve noticed that it is much more difficult to get independent sales reps interested in selling for board shops. One of my offerings, one that is becoming my least favorite by the way, is trying to find reps for shops. My fee for this is getting higher every […]
Book Recommendation – Meetings That Get Results: From the Brian Tracy Success Library
A book recommendation from Dan Beaulieu: Meetings That Get Results: From the Brian Tracy Success Library Copyright 2016 Amacom Price $9.95 Pages: 105 with Index A must for every manager’s library. How many times have you sat in seemingly interminable meetings waiting for the leader to get on with it…to get to the point; or […]
Book Recommendation – Hard-Won Wisdom: True Stories From The Management Trenches
A book recommendation from Dan Beaulieu 10/26/16 Hard-Won Wisdom: True Stories from the Management Trenches By Jathan Janove Copyright 2017 Price $17.95 Pages: 221 and Index A Management Book from a completely different perspective Author Jathan Janove is a work place litigation lawyer. He has spent the bulk of his career litigating work place relationships […]