Customer Service Starts At The Top

All customer service starts at the top. It’s a cultural thing. To have great customer service you have to have respect for your customers, everyone in the company has to respect the customer not just the customer service people. Look, it’s pretty easy to pass everything along to the customer service people (by the way […]

Out The Friction!

You need some Printed Circuit Boards, so you Google  “Printed Circuit Boards”, and you get the name of a number of shops. Not necessarily the best shops, but at least the best at SEO (Search Engine Optimization). Anyway you get the names of some shops and you call one up, probably the first one on […]

Delivering “WOW!” Service

One of my favorite companies on the planet is Zappos, yeah, the shoe guys with headquarters in Las Vegas. Now I am not really a shoe guy, I have never bought a pair of shoes from Zappos, in fact I have never bought anything from them. Unless, that is, you count their books on customer […]

The Power Of Tenacity

  It’s amazing how much can get done when you decide to stick with it Another year, another strategic plan…or worse yet another month another strategic plan! Does this sound familiar to you? Well it does to me. The most difficult thing to do when you are a strategic consultant like I am is to […]

Great Customer Service Stories

Oh, those wonderful customer service stories, don’t we all love them! The one about Nordstrom’s giving a customer a refund for the snow tires he returned, even though they don’t even sell snow tires! Or the one about the Saturn representative personally bringing a new seat to a Saturn owner in Alaska whose passenger seat […]

Avoiding Risk Is Dangerous

Failing your way to success. When you ask a kindergarten class which one of them are artists, all of them will raise their hands because all of them believe that they are in fact artists. Now flash forward ten years and as a class of high school juniors and ask them how many are artists? […]