It’s the Customer Experience Stupid!

When it comes to what customers want there is one big secret. They think that they want our products or services. They think that they want us to deliver good products on time. They think that they want good Quality. They think that they want a great price or a great value as they would […]

Creating A Customer Purposed Company

Be honest now when was the last time you sat around with your team talking about how you can produce better products and services for your customers? I mean doing things better, making the customers experience extraordinary and putting the “wow” factor in your products. I would guess never. We are all so busy just […]

That Customer Again!?

Sorry, but I always have customer service on my mind. I read everything about customer service I can get my hands on. To me customer service is what business is all about. Customer service is what the customer wants from us. It is what keeps those customers coming back time after time even after we […]

Some Free Advice

Can I admit to a little frustration? I have a list of what I think are great ideas. Ideas, that could make my clients great, but no matter how much I try I cannot get any of them to try these out. So, the heck with it. I’m going to just give them away to […]

Don’t Be A Howser

Back in the dark ages when I started in this business, management styles were, well shall we say, a bit different. As a young employee at Maine Electronics, a Rockwell International board house, primarily focused on Rockwell’s own products such as the Minuteman Missile program, the F-111 fighter, the B-1 Bomber and the Space Shuttle, […]