What do the Boston Red Sox, The New England Patriots, and the Chicago Cubs all have in common? Besides all being winners (and my three favorite teams) they have won by building teams synergistically. By that I mean they build teams by putting the team in front of individual players that way making the team […]
Elevating The Conversation With Your Customers
So we all think we are doing a pretty good getting to know our customers right? We think because we know what market they are in and what they build and have some sort of idea of what they need we are in pretty good shape right? Well I hate to break it to you […]
The Incredible Exploding Email!
Has this ever happened to you? You start off an email to a co-worker warning her about this customer of yours who is a real jerk and outlining a potential problem they are about to cause for no good reason but that he is a jerk who likes to push people around and if you […]
If You Are Not Growing Your Business, You Are Killing Your Business
Sometimes playing it safe is the most dangerous thing you can do. In fact, I view business like this: If you are not growing, you are dying. If you are not constantly trying to find ways to make your company more attractive to your customers, you will die. I personally know of some companies who […]
A Lousy Trade Show Is No One’s Fault But Yours
Talking to people at IPC Apex Expo a couple of weeks ago, I came to realize that there are two kinds of people: those who just come here, set up their booth and expect things to happen and then blame the show organizers when nothing does, and those who make things happen and who now […]
It’s In Your Hands
No matter what happens in the world, success is up to you There are about 230 boards shops left in North America and out of those about 175 of them are at $10 Million or less and out of those about a 100 are at $5 Million or less and out of those 25 are […]
How To Interview Potential Sales Reps
The problem with finding and hiring the right sales person is that, well they are sales people, they know how to sell, they know how to talk a good game, in fact so good a game that it’s hard to figure out if they are in fact really good or just great talkers! So you […]
Seven Secrets To Finding And Keeping Great Reps
Look we all know that this is one of our industry’s greatest challenges. For a number of reasons not the least being that many board shops have screwed many reps over the years, it is getting more and more difficult to get good reps to represent us. I know that of all the services I […]
Seven Secrets To Finding And Keeping Great Reps
Look we all know that this is one of our industry’s greatest challenges. For a number of reasons not the least being that many board shops have screwed many reps over the years, it is getting more and more difficult to get good reps to represent us. I know that of all the services I […]
Book Recommendation – Hard-Won Wisdom: True Stories From The Management Trenches
A book recommendation from Dan Beaulieu 10/26/16 Hard-Won Wisdom: True Stories from the Management Trenches By Jathan Janove Copyright 2017 Price $17.95 Pages: 221 and Index A Management Book from a completely different perspective Author Jathan Janove is a work place litigation lawyer. He has spent the bulk of his career litigating work place relationships […]