Catching up with…Dr. Anthony Caputo

I met Dr. Anthony Caputo last year while helping one of my clients secure some strong engineering talent. Anthony had been reading my columns and reached out to me since he was looking for a new opportunity in a high-tech printed circuit board facility. Once I read his CV and saw his credentials, I jumped […]

7 Reasons To Fire Your Principal

Sometimes a rep has to do what a rep has do to Okay, so now it’s your turn. We have talked enough about making sure that you as a rep make yourself invaluable to your principal. We have gone on ad nausea about the various ways that reps disappoint the companies they represent. So now […]

Tales From The PCB Sales Crypt

Did you ever live through something that was so insane, and so stupid that you couldn’t believe it was happening right before your very eyes? I have, and many times. But I’m no different from anyone who has sold PCBs, or anyone who’s spent years in our industry, for that matter. Then, late at night […]

5 Ways To Get The Most From Your PCB Vendors

Five things you have to do to get the most form your PCB vendors Most PCB users are missing the boat when it comes to getting the most from their PCB vendors. I have talked about how the new age of buying boards with minimum communications and almost no face to face relationships between everyone […]

So, You Want To Be A Rep

Seven things you should think about I hear you’re tired of working for someone else. Following rules that you don’t believe in; doing things someone else’s way when you know a better way. You have a bunch of customers who just love you and would probably follow you wherever you go or whatever you do. […]

ITAR: The Good, The Bad, The Ugly, And The Very Ugly

Has there ever been a more nebulous qualification than ITAR? It’s one of those things that everyone has an opinion about but no one knows that much about. To some of us it’s a game with ever- changing rules and to others its simply something to overcome, while to others is something to ignore altogether. […]