Trains, Planes, and Automobiles

  As we do every year on the Wednesday evening before Thanksgiving we watch the old classic Trains, Planes and Automobiles starring Steve Martin and John Candy, and just like we do every year we all end up shouting suggestions at the characters, ideas  for making better choices. This movie came out in the late […]

It’s The Small Things

The great companies always pay attention to detail. I have read numerous times that Steve Jobs and Jonathan Ives would spend hours working on the boxes their products came in. They would hold the cover of an I-Pod box over the bottom of the box and just drop it seeing how long and how elegantly […]

Looking Into The Future

Have you thought about this autonomous vehicle thing? I mean really done some deep thinking about what it will mean to all of us, how it will change the world in ways we have not even thought of yet? Here is some insight into what is called “Level 5 of autonomy” and what that will […]

Prospecting Is Mandatory

Get out there and do it now! I know you hate to prospect and you hate to make cold calls, so this is what we have to talk about today. Whether you like it or not. There is a great book by Mark Hunter called High-Profit Prospecting, a trade paperback published by Amacom. This book is […]

Don’t Give Your PCBs Away!

Look I know getting business is hard. I know that you’re biggest problem is always having enough business and I certainly know that most of our customers pride themselves in buying the cheapest circuit board that money can buy. But still that is no excuse to give away your boards. You have got to make […]

Customer Service Starts At The Top

All customer service starts at the top. It’s a cultural thing. To have great customer service you have to have respect for your customers, everyone in the company has to respect the customer not just the customer service people. Look, it’s pretty easy to pass everything along to the customer service people (by the way […]