Going Deep With Your Customers

The key to successful salespeople is that they go deep. They go beyond the transactional, the normal steps that salespeople tend to do. Great salespeople have that certain something that regular salespeople don’t have. And customers love them for it. Customers can’t wait for them to visit. Customers hope that they will be asked to […]

What It Takes To Be A Great Salesperson

Great salespeople generate leads. Man, oh man, I heard it again this week. The fingernail on the blackboard noise of a salesperson telling me, “I am long past finding new customers, what I am now is a relationship manager.” OMG are you kidding me? Really, if these were the old days you’d have your straw […]

10 Ideas For Becoming The Best Salesperson You Can Be

The other day  someone asked me what I thought it took to be a great salesperson and once again I gave them a litany of my old standbys. After thinking about this for a day or two I thought it was time to dig deeper. To think about this even more. My answers were trite, […]

Back To Basics: The Sales Call

Stop groaning! I can hear you saying “no, please, not that again.” Well, sorry it’s time to review this again. Actually, the other day I was having some one-on-one meetings with a company’s sales reps, and I realized that it was time to review the most important part of the entire sales process, the sales […]

21 Reasons Why I Can’t Make My Sales Numbers

Are you hearing any of these statements when you talk to a salesperson about their sales or lack thereof lately? Take a look. Oh, and feel free to add your own. The economy is down and the news said we are heading for a recession so everyone is scared to buy my products. The war […]

No, Not The Price! Anything But That!

You have to believe in your product. You have to feel like you are doing your customer a favor by getting her to use your products and services. If you believe that you have the very best product that money can buy, then and only then will you be a great salesperson. I am always […]

How Much Would it Take?

Okay, you’re in sales. You have a decent base salary and a good but normal incentive and commission plan. You know, not Beverly Hills real estate commission money. Not Wall Street money, but the kind of money you make as a regular good salesperson. If you hit all your numbers, if you make your forecast, […]

Need Help? Just Ask For It!

When you’re stuck, it never hurts to ask for help When you’re stuck, when you just can’t make any headway with a customer, when you feel that you have exhausted all of your own resources and ideas and don’t feel that you have another move left in you, it’s time to call for help. The […]

Are You Selling What Your Customers Want?

Our customers will buy what they want, now what we want to sell. That is kind of a pain isn’t it? No matter how great our product is. No matter how compelling our sales pitch is. No matter how absolutely convinced we are that our customer should be buying what we’re selling. If that customer […]

Great Salespeople Never Quit!

If you are in sales and you treat it like, well just a job, you will never succeed. You have to do it with intensity and passion and seriousness. This is the life you chose. This is how you make your living. This is what you do to put bread on the table. This in […]