Dan is a passionate individual, determined to solve and problem a customer may have in a friendly and social fashion. He is a great sales leader and consultant. And is widely respected among clients and peers alike.

Dan is a wonderful and very easy person to work with. You need to be ready to use his strategies, which are simple but need to be followed. As he says it is all COMMON SENSE.

I have know Dan for over twenty years and have always enjoyed working with him. He has always been a good resource for me during all phases of my career in the printed circuit board industry.

I have been working with Dan for over ten years. I have found Dan to be extremely helpful when it comes to developing and implementing our strategic direction at Taiyo America. His strategies have been a great help in both North America and Europe as we have made significant gains in market share. His understanding of the PCB market and focus on customer service has been extremely valuable.

When it comes to the PCB Industry, all roads lead to Dan Beaulieu! For over 30 years he has been teaching us how to market and sell more effectively through his hundreds of columns. Dan has been a friend and very helpful resource on multiple fronts. There is no one that Dan doesn't know, nor any resource that is not within a short reach. Dan is now beginning to lead the charge for Social Media Marketing adoption in our industry. If you need an experience seasoned veteran to help your company grow and expand, you need not look any further than Dan Beaulieu.
I have know Dan for 7 years and have never met a Marketing Expert that understands Sales as well as Dan. Dan ties the two disciplines together to achieve maximum results. When I worked with Dan I had the Marketing burden completely lifted from my shoulders. I was able to concentrate on the nuts and bolts of managing a sales force while Dan furthered our company's interests across North America. He established the plan and I was able to focus on executing it.

Subject matter expert is the overall best description I can give Dan’s abilities. While building Board Shark PCB, Dan provided excellent insight and advice, as well as access to connections which led us to new customers and unique opportunities – tangible results! I owe Dan credit for helping me to focus on what mattered…building a customer-oriented company drawing upon shared experiences and great ideas for the future. We will continue our growth by utilizing DB Management’s marketing resources and expertise in the future.
At Prototron Circuits in the mid-1990s we started what has become a very long and beneficial relationship with D B Management.<br />
Dan and his associates have been a valuable asset to us in ways we could not have anticipated. Their industry connections and broad knowledge provide instant and constant help and support.<br />
DB Mgmt. and Dan have been trusted advisors and strategists helping us through the many and various changes and challenges in business over the years.<br />
I highly recommend DB Management to anyone, except our competitors.
When I was given the responsibility to take the company to the next level in terms of financial performance and market share, I knew I would need help to create a high performance organization and sales / marketing strategy. I turned to Dan to provide the creative marketing wisdom we need to meet our corporate goals. We were undergoing a significant cultural change in business and Dan was instrumental in getting that message to our customers. As testament to the value Dan provides, I would definitely call on Dan’s services again if needed.
I have known Dan Beaulieu for over ten years, and worked with him on projects for half a dozen companies across North America. He knows more about marketing for manufacturers than anyone I have ever come across. If a company hires him, and they listen carefully to what he recommends, they see results.

I have worked with Dan for a long long time starting in the days when we needed to put a sales plana and team in place to having him facilitate strategic sales meetings. He has grown with us from our PCB days into our EMS present
I have known Dan Beaulieu for over 20 years. He has been and remains a dedicated and fierce defender of America’s PCB fabricators and its domestic industry. He is particularly an asset to those that are not one of the world’s largest and need a “virtual” sales and marketing unit, help in hiring and training salesmen and distributors, or need guidance in writing their annual business plan. Dan is also an advocate of “back to basics” and believes in continuous improvement.
We have been working with Dan since we met four year ago at a company event in Vietnam. We quickly became friends and then strategic partners. As we grow our company and expand our offerings, Dan has been able to help guide us into the future. His experience, network and most of all passion is invaluable to any company that wants to grow. For the last four years Dan is guiding us and help us promoting our business and develop it, marketing wise and strategy, Dan ideas and dedication to the things he love to do are an asset to any company. We at Artnet Pro want to thanks Dan for all his hard work and dedication to bring our business to a better future.
I have known Dan first by reputation, and then most recently by working him at one of my principals. I have always found him to be creative, passionate and most importantly easy to work with. He has a true passion for helping the companies he works with be successful and a generosity when it comes to helping others that is rare.
Dan and I have worked together on several M&A projects. He is extremely knowledgeable about the PCB and PCBA markets and has a vast network. He is the ultimate professional, and I would trust him with any project in the sector.
I have worked with Dan Beaulieu for almost twenty years, we have consulted together for many companies both small and large, always successful in our endeavors. We grew to be good friends and buddies. We even started a successful publishing company, selling printed circuit books. Dan has always been without question the cool head in the meetings. When things got rough, I could always count on Dans smooth demeanor and level head to lead the way. It has been the highlight of my long career in Printed circuit boards that I got to work with one of the greats, my friend Dan.
We been working with D.B. Management Group for over two years now and have found to be extremely helpful and effective in helping us to make inroads into the North America Cable and interconnect market. We find them to be a perfect complement in terms of promoting our high technology Cable custom design and engineering capabilities to the right customers. This is particularly true when it comes to our overmolding capabilities. As a Taiwanese company, they have helped us meet the challenges of selling our products and services in North America.