The Election Isn’t Your Problem—Here’s Why

How many times have you heard, “We’re just waiting to see how the election turns out before we make any decisions”? As someone who’s been in this business for a while, I can tell you right now—that’s nonsense. Blaming your lack of sales or slow customer decisions on the election is the biggest cop-out ever. It’s an excuse, plain and simple, and one that keeps you from facing the real issues. Here are ten reasons why the election has nothing to do with it.

  • Businesses Always Face Uncertainty:  Elections come and go, but the business world is always dealing with uncertainty. Whether it’s an election, new regulations, or market fluctuations, you name it, there’s always something. Smart businesses know how to make decisions in the face of these challenges. If your customers say they’re waiting, it’s not the election—they’re just not ready to commit.
  • Elections Don’t Change Market Demand: Does your product solve a problem? Does it meet a market need? If the answer is yes, then who’s in office doesn’t really matter. Companies need to solve their problems no matter what, and that means buying solutions—election year or not. If they’re not buying, the problem is either your pitch or your timing
  • Indecision Reflects Lack of Urgency: If a customer says they’re holding off because of the election, what they’re really telling you is that they don’t feel the urgency to buy. Your job as a salesperson is to create that urgency. Show them how not acting now could cost them later. Elections are not the problem; it’s their perceived lack of need for your product.
  • The Election Is a Convenient Excuse:  The truth is, people are comfortable using the election as a shield to avoid making a decision. It’s easy to say, “We’ll wait,” when in reality, they don’t want to confront the real reasons they’re hesitating. Maybe they’re unsure about your product’s value, or maybe they just aren’t convinced yet. It’s your job to dig deeper and address those concerns.
  • There’s Always a Next Election:  Elections happen every two years. Are you telling me that businesses are going to freeze operations every time there’s a midterm or a presidential election? Of course not! If they do, they won’t be in business for long. Waiting for the perfect political climate is a never-ending game. Your customers have to keep moving forward, and so do you.
  • Real Leaders Don’t Let External Factors Paralyze Them: True decision-makers and leaders in any company don’t sit on their hands waiting for election results. They make decisions based on data, market conditions, and internal strategy. If your customer is saying they need to wait, then maybe they’re not as strong of a leader as they should be. It’s your job to show them why decisive action matters.
  • You’re Not Selling Hard Enough:  If customers are using the election as an excuse, it might be because you’re letting them. When they say they’re waiting, you need to push back and show them why now is the right time. Educate them on why waiting could hurt them more than help. If you buy into their excuse, you’re just as much to blame for the stalled sale.
  • The Economy Isn’t Tied to the Election:  The economy may fluctuate due to policy changes, but companies still need to operate. If they’re telling you the election is causing them to pause, ask them if their internal operations are grinding to a halt. Chances are, they’re still in business, they’re still selling their own products, and they still have challenges you can solve. Don’t let them off the hook.
  • You Haven’t Built Enough Trust:  Let’s be honest—if your customers trust you and see value in your solution, they won’t care about the election. They’ll care about what you bring to the table. If they’re hesitating, maybe the relationship isn’t strong enough yet. Focus on building that trust and showing them how you can help, regardless of external factors.
  • You Control the Narrative: The election excuse is a distraction. You need to control the narrative. Remind your customers that businesses succeed by making decisions, not by waiting on politicians. The best companies thrive by staying proactive, and that means acting now, not later. Don’t let your customer get comfortable with waiting—guide them to see why moving forward is the best choice, no matter what happens in Washington.

Look, at the end of the day, blaming the election is just noise. The real issue is whether you’ve convinced your customer that they need what you’re selling—right now. If you can’t do that, it’s not the election holding you back, it’s your approach. So, stop making excuses and start closing those deals. Because it’s only common sense.